Dublin Community Church has a strong Christian Education Program. Look below for the many ways that children can be involved and grow in their faith at DCC.
Sunday Morning Ministries
- Nursery – Two employed, background checked adult women provide child care services to newborns thru 2 years of age. At age three, parents decide if they feel their potty-trained child is ready for Sunday School.
- Sunday School – takes place during the worship service for children 3 years old (if potty trained) through the 7th grade. We have classes for those in preschool-Kindergarten, 1st-3rd, 4th – 5th, Mid High (6th and 7th graders) as well as special needs children. 15-18 adults volunteer quarterly to teach or assist and several high youth assist as well. ALL children are welcome to come to Sunday School!

Youth Fellowship
- VBS (Vacation Bible School) – VBS is held every summer in July. Bible Stories, Music, Crafts and Games are all a part of VBS DCC-UCC! Both of our Pastors, our Music Director and our Christian Education Director all take part along with over 30+ church members who volunteer! We LOVE our children at DCC-UCC!
- Youth Group – Mid-High and High School aged youth participate during the school year in monthly meetings both on and off-site. These fun, informal meetings are open to all who want to gather together with other youth to strengthen their foundation of faith in God. We do this through social gatherings and completing service projects to support community non-profits.
Youth Mission
- UnTrip – is held each summer for middle school youth usually the same week the high youth go on their mission trip out of state. These middle school youth go to various businesses and community service organizations throughout the greater Columbus area to serve our community. These have included Meals on Wheels, various animal shelters, the Dublin Food Pantry, Welcome Warehouse, Sedona Grace Ministries, Daniel Wright Elementary School and Under the Stars (a service to the homeless population in downtown Columbus) Wherever they go, a donation of some sort is provided to these businesses/organizations.
- Mission Trip – is held each summer for high school youth, usually in mid June. High school youth and chaperones travel out of state to provide community service to various organizations and camps. It is a rewarding experience for our youth to grow personally and spiritually and to see how God’s love can be shared in the service that they provide to others.
- Young Ambassadors Program – The Young Ambassadors program is an opportunity for high school youth to develop faithful leadership by doing an exchange with young people from German churches. Throughout a two-year cycle, about 10 high school students from each country participate in a faith and cultural exchange. They become acquainted through social media, then each group takes a turn visiting the partner country over two consecutive summers. During their visits, students have family time with host families, get to know the churches and larger community, help with mission work and community ministries, and visit other landmarks in the host country.
Our confirmands are 8th graders who give us multiple evenings per month for discussion with Reverend Sunday and Confirmation Advisor, Amy LaDu. During the year we visit the Noor Islamic Center, Congregation Beth Tikvah, and St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in German Village. There is a yearly confirmation/banner making retreat at a nearby church camp. Throughout the year, confirmands acolyte during our worship services.