Serving on a committee at Dublin Community Church is a wonderful way to get involved and to meet new people. We have several active committees to choose from that support our ministers, worship, and the missions of the church.
Buildings and Grounds
The Buildings and Grounds Committee oversees the maintenance of the church and its grounds. They make regular inspections of the building, grounds and equipment and then recommend and coordinate repairs and preventative maintenance. When needed, they organize volunteers to help with special projects for the beautification of the church.
Christian Education
The Christian Education Committee (CEC) works with our Director of Christian Education to oversee DCC’s Sunday School program, Nursery, and Youth programs. The CEC also assists in the planning of Summer Vacation Bible school and the Untrip Mission work for middle school aged children. Lastly, this committee helps to organize periodic Family Events in the church, including Breakfast with Santa, which helps to bring folks together and also serves a function of fundraising for Youth Programs.
The Fellowship Committee provides an opportunity for the congregation to gather after Sunday service by coordinating a weekly coffee hour. Families or committees of the church sign up to sponsor coffee hours throughout the year. The committee also hosts the annual church picnic on the second Sunday in September. The Kitchen Committee, a sub-committee of Fellowship, works with the pastors to host special dinners and luncheons during the year as well as special meals following memorial services.
The responsibility of the Finance Committee, in conjunction with the Treasurer, is to oversee the financial well being of the congregation and to make recommendations to the Church Council on all financial matters as deemed appropriate by the Committee or requested by the Council. The Committee sets the annual budget and shares it with the congregation at the annual meeting for approval. The committee reviews and advises the Council regarding the activities of related committees as appropriate.
Growth and Rolls
It is the responsibility of the Growth and Rolls Committee to ensure that visitors and other potential members are made welcome. They help the ministers to facilitate their membership into our church and host information luncheons throughout the year. The committee displays photos of new members in the entry and help members find small groups and programs within our church to join. They also work to promote and strengthen our presence in the community.
The Mission Committee are active participants at Dublin Community Church whose goals are to support those in need both internal and external in the Church. The committee generates and provides support by finding volunteers, collecting supplies, or assists in raising funds through various means. Second Mile Offerings are a monthly direct donation request from the congregation. These monies are used to support a wide variety of causes. The Red Envelope in the pews are set up with each cause. The…
The Music Committee is a group of committed individuals who meet regularly with the Music Director to incorporate ways we can support and assist our myriad of musical groups at DCC-UCC.
Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care Committee lets the shut-in and elderly members of the church know they are cared about with words of encouragement and by checking in on them. We accomplish this in a variety of ways including visits, phone calls, cards, and delivering flowers including lilies at Easter and poinsettias at Christmas.
The Personnel Committee is a group of faithful volunteers who oversee the performance, calculate the salary and benefits, and ensure the evaluation of the church staff. They facilitate the hiring of church staff.
Stewardship – Giving
The Stewardship Committee is responsible for the giving relationship between the members and friends of DCC and the church. Giving primarily focuses on monetary donations for operational expenses of the church. We also focus on recognizing the giving of time and talents to the church through other groups including our mission, music, and youth programs (among many others). We conduct an annual Stewardship Campaign in October to request pledges for the upcoming year. The committee regularly works with the Growth…
The Worship Committee serves the DCC community by scheduling ushers, lay readers and soundboard operators for Sunday and special event services. They also ensure that the altar candles are filled and that any special supplies (communion elements, palms, ash, etc.) are available as needed. In preparation for the Advent season, the committee schedules the hanging (and un-hanging) of the greens and ensures that safety procedures are in place for the congregational lighting of the Christmas Eve candles. The most important,…