Sermon Archive (Page 21)

If you were good enough, there would be no need of confessing Christ at all. It is just because you are not good enough, that Christ says to you, “Follow me.” He came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. It is not the perfect people whom He wants in His church, but those who have a deep sense of their own imperfection, and who believe that His strength is made perfect in weakness.

Washington Gladden

The Way – May 10, 2020

The Way, May 10, 2020, Quarantine Sermon #4 1 Peter 2:2-10, Acts 7:55-60, John 14:1-14 So, in our Gospel passage for today from John, Jesus speaks some very familiar words – he says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Jesus speaks these words in response to a very direct question from Thomas. Thomas asks Jesus, “How can we know the way? I think that is a question people continue to ask, especially in these very uncertain and…

“Dry Bones” – March 29, 2020

“Dry Bones” March 29, 2020, Quarantine Sermon #1 Ezekiel 37:1-14 (1-6, 11, 14), John 11:1-45 The scripture passages for today that Rev. Tussing just shared run the whole gamut of human emotion – from hopelessness and despair, to restoration and new life. I am especially drawn to the very human Jesus that we experience in the Gospel lesson from John. I’ll come back to that in just a moment. It feels truly timely that our lectionary passages – which were…