

Our sanctuary, chapel, and meeting rooms host a wide range of local organizations and their activities throughout the year. These include well-known nonprofit and charitable groups in addition to other ecumenical worship services and observances. As stewards of this active house of worship, we feel strongly about welcoming and helping to support these organizations by providing a home for their endeavors.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem. Please click here to see the available times for meetings hosted at Dublin Community Church.

Scouting America

BSA Troop 185 and 581: Dublin, Ohio, United States Troop 185 features about 30 boys and girls ranging in age from 11 to 17. The troop has a long history, and celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2017. It has produced more than 125 Eagle Scouts in its history. The troop meets at 7pm Wednesday at its charter organization – Dublin Community Church, Bridge Street, Dublin Ohio. During the programming year the Troops fundraise by selling popcorn and greenery. They also…

Dublin Community Preschool

Dublin Community Preschool is located on the lower lever of the church. Their program is an independent, non-profit preschool providing young children with a play-based educational experience.  Their research based curriculum is enriched with music classes and creative movement instruction for all ages.

Dublin Food Pantry

Dublin Food Pantry is dedicated to providing for the needs of hungry people by collecting and distributing food and grocery products, educating the community about hunger’s impact and collaborating with others who address basic human needs. Dublin Community Church is proud to have housed the Dublin Food Pantry in our lower level for 47 years. Please visit them at their new location: 6608 Dublin Center Drive, Dublin, OH 43017. Their new phone number is 614-665-8181.

Meals on Wheels – Life Care Alliance

Meals on Wheels provided by Life Care Alliance delivers thousands of meals each day to satisfied customers in Franklin, Madison, Marion, Champaign, and Logan counties. The church is a pick up and drop off site for those delivering meals to those in need in the Dublin area. To learn more about how you can volunteer or participate in this program visit the Life Care Alliance website.

Red Cross

Dublin Community Church hosts community blood drives weekly to help those in need. During the pandemic, we hosted the Red Cross three days a week due to the increased need for blood in our community. We currently host weekly drives on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. Please click here to find a local blood drive and how to register online to donate.