Music is an integral part of worship at Dublin Community Church and an opportunity for all to lift their voices in praise of God. The music program includes choirs for adults and children, singing and ringing handbells. Congregational hymn singing is inspired by the accompaniment of our magnificent pipe organ.
Chancel Choir fills the role of our music leader during worship services. The choir performs a variety of musical styles from classical and traditional to gospel and praise. The choir is open to anyone interested in praising God through song. The membership comprises of singers from teenagers to adults. No audition is necessary. The Chancel Choir season is from the first Sunday after Labor Day to Memorial Day Sunday.

Gladden Ringers is our bell choir named for the historic Washington Gladden Chapel. The choir owns five octaves of bells and three octaves of chimes. The choir performs throughout the church year from September to June. Membership includes teens through adults. All are welcome to try out the bell choir, previous experience is not required.

Gladden Strummers is our guitar and vocal ensemble. The Strummers play in a variety of musical styles from gospel to contemporary praise songs and a little bit of everything in between. The current ensemble includes guitar, banjo, mandolin, piano and percussion. The Strummers perform for the annual church picnic, Santa Breakfast and the Dublin Irish Festival, as well as adding to the music variety for our worship services.

Cherub Bells is the bell choir for our preschoolers to young elementary aged children. The children perform on Melody Bells designed for young ringers. Children need to know their colors and follow directions. This choir gives our preschoolers a chance to make a joyful noise. The Cherubs have two short seasons about six weeks, one in the fall and winter. Children can play in one or both sessions.
Sunday School Singers is comprised of all the children in Sunday School. They are taught songs that help enhance the Sunday School curriculum or correspond to the time of the church year. The children are introduced to a variety of different music including short action songs for the classroom and longer songs for performance during the service.
Children’s Christmas Pageant is held every year and performed in December during the worship service. Children from Preschool to fifth grade are welcome to join. Sign ups begin in October with rehearsals beginning at the end of November.

For more information about any of our ensembles, please contact Nancy Luikart, Director of Music at [email protected] or stop by the music office after church. All of the ensembles rehearse on Sunday with varying rehearsal times. The weekly rehearsal schedule is printed in the bulletin.