The Sunday Following each Council Meeting (the third Tuesday of the month) our moderator shares with the congregation, the highlights of what Church Council has been working on.
December 2024 Moderator’s Moment
Good morning and welcome to DCC. A few updates from the Dec. council meeting.
- As the 2024 year nears an end, we are making great progress in filling the committee positions for 2025. If you are interested in volunteering for a committee, please reach out to Rev. Lisa or Rev. Becky
- The new piano, purchased with the donation from the McAdow family in honor of Carol, has been delivered and sounds amazing. Come to the Christmas Eve 11:00pm service to hear the new sound!
- The Kennedy Corridor work has begun. The doors near the pre-school will be temporarily closed until Jan. 6 as there is scaffolding in the stairwell for the ceiling replacement. Additionally, the men’s restroom near the Kennedy rooms will not be accessible until the completion of this project. Please make use of the family restroom in the main hallway or the men’s restroom near the nursery.
- The 2025 annual meeting will be Sunday January 26th, immediately following the service. Please plan on attending in person if you are able!
- Finally, a very merry Christmas to all of you!
These are only a few highlights of the fantastic work all of our committees are doing to make this a great place to “be”.
November 2024 Moderator’s Moment
Good morning and welcome to DCC. A few updates from the Nov. council meeting.
- Great news, the stewardship team has reached the 2025 pledge goal!! Thank you all for your commitments to DCC-UCC; this would not have been possible without your support and response to the request to complete your annual pledge.
- Sometimes, pledge cards are lost. There are many reasons this can occur such as lost in the mail, misplaced during offering collection, etc. This time of year, especially with poinsettias sign ups, pledging, 2nd mile, attendance sheets, etc. there are many opportunities for these to be misplaced. If a stewardship member has reached out to you after you have submitted a pledge, please understand they are doing their due diligence, and kindly let them know you have already pledged. We do try to minimize this from happening, but we are all human and mistakes can happen.
- The Chapel renovation is nearing completion while the Kennedy Corridor refresh project will start Dec. 19.
- For anyone who has supported coffee hour over the last year, thank you so much for creating this special fellowship time. Please be on the lookout for the 2025 sign up, it will be available in the Narthex in the coming weeks.
- Finally, if you are looking for an opportunity to get into the Christmas spirit, the Christmas Caroling event will be Dec. 1 between 3-5
These are only a few highlights of the fantastic work all of our committees are doing to make this a great place to “be”.
October 2024 Moderator Moment (shared October 20, 2024)
Good morning! And welcome to DCC. There are several updates from the council this morning. I’ll start with some really exciting news!
- A special thank you to the McAdow Family Foundation for a generous gift, to DCC, in Honor of Carol McAdow who held a special place in her heart for this community. The gift is provided to support the upcoming refresh projects and to replace the piano in the chapel as well as a generous gift to the DCC Foundation to support future Spiritual Formation grants. These gifts will support the missions of DCC-UCC for years to come.
- The music and pastoral care committees will be hosting a Christmas caroling event for our shut-ins in Dec. – look for details to come
- Please sign up for the 2nd Annual Helping Hands Luncheon in the Narthex. The event will include a meal and is to show appreciation for all of the volunteers of DCC
- The 2025 committee member planning is upon us. If you have interests in joining a committee next year, please reach out to any minister or existing committee member, including me. You can also fill out the time and talents survey which has a summary of all the committees.
- Finally, it is pledge season. Please fill out a pledge form to help provide the council with the critical information for the 2025 general operating budget. The budget must be balanced and a large portion of the budget comes directly from you and your pledges. The general operating budget includes donations to Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM), the building utilities and maintenance, staff salaries, cleaning and trash removal, committee budgets, etc. The church renovation projects have been funded through generous 1 time donations and are not a part of the general operating budget.
- Many have asked about the mortgage payoff and how it will impact the annual budget. The last few years have required withdrawals from the council contingency fund, or rainy day fund, to achieve a balanced budget. The amount withdrawn is very similar to the yearly mortgage payment which we no longer have! With that said, we have a strong prospect of funding the general operating budget through pledges and rental fees (pre-school, weddings, etc.) without pulling from the council contingency fund. If anyone has questions regarding pledging or the budget, please look for myself or a member of the finance committee and we would gladly answer your questions.
Thank you for your time!
SEPTEMBER 2024 Moderator Moment
Good morning and welcome to DCC. A few updates from the Sept. council meeting.
- There was good news about our Refresh Projects presented by Bob Redfield
- Chapel Restoration is scheduled to start on October 7th
- This work qualifies us for a $25,000 grant from the City of Dublin
- Kennedy Room Refresh (including the stairwell and men’s bathroom) is tentatively scheduled for Dec. into Jan.
- We’ll continue to update you on the progress of both projects
- Upcoming Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio will be hosting a dumpling making workshop on October 19 (see that announcement in your bulletin)
- Eric Williams presented an update from the Stewardship Committee. The team has been doing a great job with the Time and Talent Survey and the testimonials you’ve been hearing from individuals
- The pledge drive will also be kicking off which will help the council determine the 2025 budget, thank you in advance for your support!
These are only a few highlights of the fantastic work all of our committees are doing to make this a great place to “be”.