Moderator Moments

Moderator Moments

The Sunday Following each Council Meeting (the third Tuesday of the month) our moderator shares with the congregation, the highlights of what Church Council has been working on.

SEPTEMBER 2024 Moderator Moment

Good morning and welcome to DCC. A few updates from the Sept. council meeting. 

  • There was good news about our Refresh Projects presented by Bob Redfield
    • Chapel Restoration is scheduled to start on October 7th
    • This work qualifies us for a $25,000 grant from the City of Dublin
    • Kennedy Room Refresh (including the stairwell and men’s bathroom) is tentatively scheduled for Dec. into Jan.
    • We’ll continue to update you on the progress of both projects
  • Upcoming Ukrainian Cultural Association of Ohio will be hosting a dumpling making workshop on October 19 (see that announcement in your bulletin)
  • Eric Williams presented an update from the Stewardship Committee. The team has been doing a great job with the Time and Talent Survey and the testimonials you’ve been hearing from individuals
  • The pledge drive will also be kicking off which will help the council determine the 2025 budget, thank you in advance for your support!

These are only a few highlights of the fantastic work all of our committees are doing to make this a great place to “be”.