Unrestricted Grants ($4,300) No restrictions on the type of grant that can be awarded
o Natalie Pedersen Chard Memorial Fund -Restricted Grant ($1,150) Music ministry, Women’s ministry
o Alexander James Ko Memorial Fund – Restricted Grant ($2,600) DCCF recommendations presented to Mary Ko
o Carol McAdow Memorial Fund – Restricted Grant ($1,900) Spiritual formation
Give to the Dublin Community Church Foundation through The Columbus Foundation.
The Dublin Community Church Foundation (DCCF) is a separately incorporated 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to the long-term support of the mission and ministries of Dublin Community Church—United Church of Christ. The DCCF stewards one-time, recurring, and planned giving to support the distribution of both restricted and non-restricted grants.
Mission Statement:

To sustain and expand the culture of philanthropy for the Christian ministries and mission of Dublin Community Church-United Church of Christ, Dublin, Ohio.
Vision Statement:
To inspire donors to recognize the importance of philanthropy and stewardship within Dublin Community Church–United Church of Christ, and to be active participants in transforming God’s world.
Value Statement:
The Dublin Community Church Foundation:
- Educates its members on the importance of stewarding ALL the resources of the Dublin Community Church—United Church of Christ, equipping others to serve, ask, and give with heartfelt consideration.
- Fosters trustful relationships through efficient stewardship of resources.
- Re-imagines the gifts of God.
Foundation Grants
Each spring, the Dublin Community Church Foundation (DCCF) Trustees will announce the annual grant budget for funds for the current year. Grant applications can be requested from the DCC church office and then submitted to the DCC Foundation by members and committees of the church.
It is expected that grant requests would be for projects that go beyond the scope of the church’s annual operating budget in order to serve and enhance the church and its mission.
The Foundation’s Board of Trustees shall receive, review, and approve, in its discretion, requests for grants by a majority vote of the Trustees.
Ways to Give
The DCCF actively solicits, accepts, and stewards gifts to further and fulfill its mission in support of the Dublin Community Church.
- Cash or Check – make checks payable to Dublin Community Church Foundation
- Credit Cards can be used through the Columbus Foundation Giving Store
- Marketable Securities through the Columbus Foundation
- Bequests & Beneficiary Designations
- Charitable Trusts
The DCCF also encourages one-time giving in honor of birthdays, anniversaries, or to honor the life of a loved one. Please make checks payable to Dublin Community Church Foundation.
Tax Planning Information
Members interested in learning more about Planning Gift Annuities through the Columbus Foundation can speak with:
Carrie Klus, CAP
1234 East Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43205
614 251-4000
The DCCF urges donors to seek the assistance of personal legal and financial advisors in matters relating to their gifts. Donors are strongly encouraged to work with the Foundation to review the gift’s structure and to ensure its easy acceptance.
Current Trustees: Meetings by Zoom on the Second Tuesday of the Month at 7PM. Please contact a trustee for connection information.
- Cheryl Yeack, President
- Tom Anderson, Vice President
- Andy Jakes, Treasurer
- Kathy Blair, Corresponding Secretary
- Stephanie Mizer, Secretary
- Matthew Kuck, Trustee
- Brian Redenshek , Trustee
Dublin Community Church Foundation
81 W. Bridge Street
Dublin, Ohio 43017
Contact the DCCF at [email protected]
The DCCF is tax-exempt under IRC Section 501(c)3.