We are constantly updating the online directory to make information available to you. There is an online version which is available on your PC or iPad and even on your smartphone. Following are step by step instructions to access the directory from home or away from home. Keep in mind that you will only be allowed to access the directory if you are in the directory and show a current email address. If you are not in the Directory and would like to be added, please email [email protected] to express your interest.
- On your PC go to www.instantchurchdirectory.com
- At the top click on Church Member Sign In.
- Enter your email address as it is shown in the directory.
- Create your unique password.
- You are now logged in to the Directory.
- On your smartphone, download the Instant Church Directory app from the app store.
- If you have already created your login and password you will only need to sign in to access the Directory.
If you want to edit your profile or change your picture, click on the Edit My Family tab. To change your photo, click on Browse and find your new photo from your own files. Make any other changes as necessary (i.e. address, email, phone). Once you are finished, click Submit Edits.
If you have any questions or comments, please email them to [email protected].