Nov: Star House – A drop-in shelter in Columbus for homeless young adults.
A small, monthly donation supports a variety of worthy causes.
Jan: – Dublin Food Pantry – Provides food to assist Dublin residents in need.
Feb: Heartland Conference Outdoor Ministries – provides support for camping experiences in the Heartland Conference.
Mar: One Great Hour of Sharing – Funds UCC wider international relief missions.
Apr: Minister’s Discretionary Fund – Provides assistance to local residents in need.
May: Strengthen the Church – Funds are used to grow the UCC. This includes new churches and ministries.
June: DCC Disaster Relief Fund – Funds will help victims of disasters.
July: Green Team Initiative – Funds will help to build on the “green” efforts we’ve take as a congregation to be a greener church.
Aug: Ann’s Angels – this currently will benefit the Gimenez Family. All donations go directly to rent and/or utilities.
Sept: Neighbors in Need – UCC Wider Mission supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the US.
Oct: Deep Griha – Education and food sponsorship of impoverished children in the slums of Pune, India.
Nov: Star House – A drop-in shelter in Columbus for homeless young adults.
Dec: Choices – Provides a safe haven for victims of domestic violence.